Church activities and Services

There are services in the church on Sunday and sometimes during the week particularly at festival times. Our vicar is responsible for both St James and All Saints Kempston. The All Age service on the first Sunday and the Morning service on the third Sunday are led by trained members of the congregation. Our times of worship are attended by people of all ages of a firm faith or in some cases by people who are thinking about or looking for a faith. Our worship is joyful, reflective and a time to come before God in peace. Please come and join us, we would love to get to know you. The service times are:

Sundays 9:30am

First Sunday: All age family friendly service

Second Sunday: Holy communion

Third Sunday: Holy communion

Fourth Sunday: Holy communion

Fifth Sunday: Service of Wholeness and Healing

Evening services 6:00pm

Third Sunday : Evening prayer

Fifth Sunday: Sung Evensong


Seasonal occasions

At St James’s our worship revolves around the Christian Year. Its seasons and celebrations provide a rhythm for our lives as we are drawn into the mysteries of Christ’s birth, baptism, temptation, ministry, suffering, death and resurrection.