Welcome to St James’s Church, serving the communities of Biddenham, the developments of Deep Spinney, Great Denham, St. Andrew’s, St Mary’s and Saxon Park. Whoever you are, we welcome you to be part of our loving Christian family. We welcome Children, they are valued members of our community and we love the creative noise they make. Please visit us to share in the freedom that is given through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Worship with us in our beautiful and ancient building, situated at the end of Church End Biddenham. This is a place of peace and we are here to support you in moments of tragedy, and in moments of celebration. With us you will find the presence of our loving God.


Sunday 9:30 am
First Sunday: All age
Second Sunday: Holy communion or Morning Prayer
Third Sunday: Holy communion or Morning Prayer
Fourth Sunday: Morning Prayer
Fifth Sunday: Morning Prayer


Want to know more? Please contact the Church Wardens


Church wardens:

Laurie Hurn   01234 364251

Lois Price  01234 961826

If you have any Safeguarding concerns click here for more information